SCAP, S.A. DE C.V. (SCAP) with address at Leibnitz No. 187, Colonia Nueva Anzures, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11590, México, Ciudad de México, is responsible for the treatment and protection of your personal data and in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (“Law”) makes you aware of the terms and conditions hereby “Notice of Privacy”. You can contact us through the Department of Personal Data, on the phone 2581-5560 ext. 221 and / or email, or at the aforementioned address.
The personal data that is collected will be used for the following purposes:
- For uses in services required by you and for you.
- Follow up and / or update the services in question.
- As identification and verification or contact,
- Compliance with contractual obligations of law (Payroll, IMSS, INFONAVIT) or additional to the law (Banks – Caja Libertad loans, insurance application, etc.)
- As a study, strategic planning of projects and tenders.
- As business references (Business Cards),
- To meet the requirements requested by our clients,
- Integration of the board of directors and employee portfolio (6 Months),
- Promotional purposes (Website),
- Per diem procedures, lodging, transportation with work activities.
- Application of exams, courses and / or certifications,
- For the exercise of Arco Law,
- Medical examinations,
- For job references
When providing your Personal Data to SCAP, S.A. DE C.V. (SCAP) you will be informed of the content of this Privacy Notice, therefore, it is understood that the user has expressed their agreement with this Privacy Notice and has given their consent for SCAP, S.A. DE C.V. (SCAP), use the aforementioned data in terms of this notice.
PFor the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, we can collect your personal data directly, through emails and / or web pages, requests and formats.
Personal data we collect: Name (s), Paternal Last Name, Maternal Last Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Address, Email, RFC, CURP, Age, Sex, Level of Education, Marital Status, Economic dependents, Nationality, Place and Date of Birth, Social Security No., Bank Accounts, Labor References, Personal References, Position, Professional ID, Professional Title, Certificates, Recognitions, Curriculum Vitae, IFE, Birth Certificate, Passport, VISA, Sea Book and License.
We inform you that to comply with the purposes set forth in this notice, the following sensitive data will be collected: gender, allergies, diseases, medical disabilities, surgical interventions, health status, blood type, fingerprint, membership of civil society organizations and / or religious, date of birth and transfusions.
At any time you may revoke the consent that you have given us for the processing of your personal data, so that we stop using them, you can do so by means of a written request, which must be presented at the address of SCAP or To the email to the Department of Personal Data, such requests must meet the requirements described below.
During your employment relationship and up to 5 years after it has ended, you have the right of access to your personal data and the details of their treatment, you have the right to rectify them if they are erroneous or incomplete, you have the right to cancel them when you consider that they are not necessary for the purposes of this Privacy Notice and oppose their treatment for the specified purposes.
To exercise your rights, ARCO can do so through a written letter, which must be presented at the address of SCAP or by email to in both cases they must be addressed to the Department of Personal Data , said department will start the process by sending an application that must be filled out by you and meet the following requirements:
- Name and autograph signature of the owner, indicating her address or other means to communicate the response to her request; or through a legal representative with a power of attorney or power of attorney.
- Attach an official identification document (Passport, IFE, Professional ID).
- Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you will exercise the rights conferred by the Law.
- Any other element that facilitates the location of personal data. (Dates, Positions)
- The express manifestation to revoke your consent to the processing of personal data or indicate the ARCO right that you wish to exercise.
- Your request will be answered within a term of 10 business days from the date of receipt, and the Department of Personal Data will issue its resolution within a maximum period of 10 business days via email or in writing to the address you have indicated for your request. notification.The Department of Personal Data may deny access to personal data, rectification, cancellation or concession of opposition to their treatment, in the following cases:
- When the applicant is not the owner of the personal data, or the legal representative is not duly accredited for it;
- When the personal data of the applicant is not found in its database;
- When the rights of a third party are injured;
- When there is a legal impediment, or the resolution of a competent authority that restricts access to personal data or that does not allow their rectification, cancellation or opposition;
- When the rectification, cancellation or opposition has been previously made.
The Responsible Department may limit the use of personal and sensitive data at the express request of the owner, and will not be obliged to cancel them, when:
- It refers to the parties of a private, social or administrative contract, and they are necessary for its development and fulfillment;
- They must be treated by legal provision;
- Obstruct judicial or administrative actions related to tax obligations, the investigation and prosecution of crimes, or the updating of administrative sanctions;
- Are necessary to protect legal interests;
- Are necessary to carry out an action based on the public interest;
- Are necessary to comply with an obligation legally acquired by the owner, or
- Are object of treatment for the prevention or medical diagnosis or the management of health services; provided that said treatment is carried out by a health professional subject to a duty of secrecy.
SCAP may transfer your personal data and they may be processed within and outside the country, by people other than this company. The information may be shared with any of SCAP’s affiliated and / or subsidiary companies, with clients and suppliers for identification purposes (when they go to collect documents, materials or checks), granting of employment benefits, compliance with contractual obligations and / or those established by the “Law”.
SCAP and its subsidiaries or affiliates may contract with one or more third parties as selected service providers to support the labor background check activities, as well as goods and / or services granted to you as additional labor benefits to those established by law, management and administration of personal data, as well as for purposes of verification of the information that you provide us, so SCAP and its subsidiaries and affiliates may even transfer them to said third party (s) without a commercial purpose, but only to comply with the provision of the contracted services. In the same way, SCAP and its subsidiaries and affiliates may, without commercial purposes, share or transmit your personal data, including established purposes. In no case:
- We will market
- We will sell
- or we will rent
Personal information about you to a third party without your prior consent, except for the exceptions provided in article 37 of the “Law”.
If you do not express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so.
By virtue of the fact that sensitive personal data may be transferred, we require your express consent, in accordance with what is established in article 9 of the “Law”, for which in your case such consent will be obtained through the requests or formats that you assign the company to meet this requirement.
When providing your Personal Data to SCAP, S.A. DE C.V. (SCAP) you will be informed of the content of this Privacy Notice, therefore, it is understood that the user has expressed their agreement with this Privacy Notice and has given their consent for SCAP, S.A. DE C.V. (SCAP), use the aforementioned data in terms of this notice.
SCAP reserves the right to change, modify, supplement and / or alter this notice, at any time, in order to attend to legislative updates, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of services.
The modifications will be available to the public through visible advertisements in our establishments, on our website:, or through email.
If you consider that your right to protect personal data has been harmed by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, you presume that the processing of your personal data is in violation of the provisions set forth in the Federal Data Protection Law Personal in Possession of Private Parties, you may file the corresponding complaint or complaint with the IFAI, for more information visit